Scott Carley, known as The Change Energizer, is an expert in creating vision, teamwork and managing priorities. He rejuvenates leaders, sales professionals and entrepreneurs to FOCUS and Take Action on goals, priorities and team issues to produce head-turning results! Last year Scott presented 46 keynote and retreat sessions to 221 companies in 7 states. He is passionate about helping stalled and frustrated leaders get unstuck and moving forward!

Scott is the President of the Austin National Speakers Association, which is among the most innovative and exceptional chapters in the country producing popular and high-end speakers. From 2010-2015 Scott was the Central Texas Regional Director for Business Network International. He took his BNI Region of 34 to 45 chapters and to the top 2% internationally in growth, retention and referral revenue ($36 million annually). He was the Top National Producer in Membership Drives with a 70% closing rate.

Scott Energizes Change as a Certified VISTAGE Speaker and Trusted Advisor, motivating and challenging CEO, Key and Emerging Leaders. Since 2014, he has conducted half-day Change Energy Retreats to groups in 15 states.

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Many people resist change. They are apprehensive of doing things differently.  It’s uncharted waters.  They just can’t push through those barriers on their own.

However, most people love to be energized. They are worn down from the weight of discouragement and have failed attempts at pushing through the barriers they face.  Scott transforms the conversation about change, by giving them new energy to push through the difficulty of change to achieve the success they desire.

Conquer Your Sand Traps – It made Tiger Woods a Champion

Scott’s award-winning illustrated presentation about what blocks business owners and high-performance employees from achieving phenomenal, consistent results. Complete with pitching wedge and golf balls.

“We Did It!” – The Science behind BIG Achievements

Do you know what ALL big achievers have in common? Scott does! Using story after story, he illustrates the transformation of Leadership Energy at rest to Leadership Energy in Action (Kinetic). Once they engage the formula, they can’t stop saying, “We did it!” Energizing, motivating, and unforgettable for any audience.

How to Hit a Home Run after a Big Strike Out

Four Tips to get you back into the game

Dressed in full baseball uniform, Scott shares the Four Principles he and others have used to recover and start hitting home runs again, creating an experience that leaves the audience with perspective on failure and specific steps to overcoming it.

The Change Energizer

The Change Energize will put you back in the driver’s seat of your professional and personal life. Get clarity on your Critical Roles and Success Actions! You’ll start to theme your days and make appointments with your predictable, success activities.

“You are what you do repeatedly; routinely! Excellence is not an event, it’s a habit.” Aristotle

NOTHING feels as good as being on track, on time and incredibly productive…Energized!

The audience will walk away with a simple system to identify their static and fluid priorities, how to get focused on what matters most and say “No” to distractions. They will have clarity on their roles and responsibilities, and specific tools that can be used to significantly reduce interruptions. Productivity will increase noticeably!

This is a very popular presentation with immediate success. I’ve done this around the country in dozens of metropolitan and rural settings.

What are people saying…

Wells Fargo Mortgage

My team was discouraged and worn out! It’s been a tough eight or nine months. Today was an amazing breath of fresh air! We feel encouraged and equipped to get more people in our pipeline and deals closed!

Association Director


Victor Valley College

“Scott… the day was awesome! That was the 5th All College Day since I have been here, and you received more positive comments than any speaker I’ve had.

Quote: There is science behind great achievements.

Check the availability of this speaker

Scott's Expertise

Leadership - 100%
Team Building - 100%
Time Management - 100%
Focus - 100%
Innovation - 100%

My team was discouraged and worn out! It’s been a tough eight or nine months. Today was an amazing breath of fresh air! We feel encouraged and equipped to get more people in our pipeline and deals closed!

Wells Fargo Mortgage


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